Saturday, 17 July 2010

About my style of building

I'm very much into atmosphere so It seems pointless to me building a house with a great exterior yet no style inside. I try to avoid that feeling of disappointment many builds leave me with when the exterior promises so much and deliverers only a soulless shell as you enter. A building should have an emotional connection to the viewer and I'm so glad reading my reviews that this seems to be the main reason people love my buildings .
I also try to avoid making tiny spaces where cameras are impossible to pan. Any space smaller that 10m square or less than 7m in height is near pointless in SL. So you may find my builds have fewer but larger rooms than most.

Detail is also important. Detail intrigues and delights, it tells stories and sets a scene. So it may sometimes take hours to set up a door latch but I think it's worth it.